Author Guidelines


The paper sent to our redaction will be considered for publication if meeting the following criteria:

  1. It is scientific and focused on the reviews of related problems in theology and Christianity studies. Besides, it must be original and based on the research and contributive literature review for the development of Christianity studies.
  2. Articles should be original, research-based, unpublished, and not under review for possible publication in other journals.
  3. It consists of title, author’s name, institution, email address, abstract, keywords, content, and references.
  4. The title must be clear, precise and no more than 14 words.
  5. The author does not need to include the academic title.
  6. The manuscript should be typed in MS document format with Cambria, size 12 pts, one and a half-space, A4 paper roughly 4.500 to 7.000 words.
  7. All submissions must include 75-200 words abstract and 3-5 keywords. The abstract of a research paper should contain the title, purpose, method, and research finding. Meanwhile, the abstract of a non-research paper includes title, purpose, and discussion.
  8. It must be typed in Microsoft Word with RTF (Rich Text Format) or Doc. (Word Document) and sent to the redaction via online submissions by using file attachment.
  9. The paper will be reviewed and edited without changing any substantial contents.
  10. The rejected paper will be notified to the author via email.
    1. Bibliographical references must be noted in footnote and bibliography according to RERUM JOURNAL style.
  • Bibliographical Example: Morris, Leon.  New Testament Theology. Grand Rapids, Michigan: Zondervan Academic, 1990.